



  • 特許 第5459826号
  • 特許 第5590704号
  • 特許 第6143218号
  • 特許 第6312191号
  • 特許 第6656654号
  • 特許 第7074995号
  • 特許 第7343864号


  • 特許 第5805226号
  • 特許 第6673864号
  • 特許 第6982642号
  • 特許 第7166840号
  • 特許 第7185990号


  • 特許 第 6854613 号



  • 特開2022-067572



  1. 1.Properties of soluble elastin peptide from bulbus arteriosus in fish species. Fisheries Science, 72, 1322-1324, 2006
  2. 2.カツオ動脈球由来エラスチンペプチド(カツオエラスチン)の特徴及びヒト肌への有用性について 食品と開発, 42, 11, 70-72, 2007
  3. 3.カツオエラスチン含有サプリメントのヒト肌に対する有用性検討 新薬と臨床 56, 11, 109-115, 2007
  4. 4.魚類及び哺乳動物由来水溶性エラスチンの比較とその応用 北九州医工学術者協会誌, 19, 19-22, 2009
  5. 5.「カツオエラスチン」の美肌効果について FoodStyle21, 13, 1, 64-65, 2009
  6. 6.Inhibitory Effect of Pisces-derived Elastin Peptide on Platelet Aggregation. Peptide Science, 2009, 467-470, 2009
  7. 7.カツオ動脈球由来エラスチンペプチド「カツオエラスチン」の機能性について ジャパンフードサイエンス 48, 7, 36-40, 2009
  8. 8.カツオ動脈球由来エラスチンペプチドの安全性評価 応用薬理, 77, 5/6, 115-117, 2009
  9. 9.魚類由来高純度エラスチンの単離とその特性 食品と開発, 44, 3, 89-91, 2009
  10. 10.10. Elastin peptides prepared from piscine andmammalian elastic tissues inhibit collagen-induced platelet aggregation and stimulate migration and proliferation of human skin fibroblasts. Journal of Peptide Science 16, 11, 652-658, 2010
  11. 11.Identification of Food-Derived Elastin Peptide, Prolyl-Glycine (Pro-Gly), in Human Blood after Ingestion of Elastin Hydrolysate. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 60, 5128-5133, 2012
  12. 12.カツオ動脈球由来エラスチンペプチド長期摂取試験における安全性の検討 応用薬理83, 3/4, 23-26, 2012
  13. 13.カツオ由来エラスチンペプチド経口摂取による皮膚・血流・血管への効果 食品加工技術 32, 2, 70-79, 2012
  14. 14.Fish-elastin Hydrolysate: Development and Impact on the Skin and Blood Vessels. Marine Proteins and Peptides, 467-486, 2013
  15. 15.内外美容研究と機能性食品素材 美容とアンチエイジングのための素材 コラーゲンペプチドを中心に COSMETIC STAGE, 7, 6, 43-49, 2013
  16. 16.カツオエラスチンによる膝痛軽減作用~靭帯改善の観点から~ FoodStyle21, 18, 5, 31-34, 2014
  17. 17.Prophylactic effects of elastin peptide derived from the bulbus arteriosus of fish on vascular dysfunction in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Life Sciences, 120, 48-53, 2015
  18. 18.Elastin hydrolysate derived from fish enhances proliferation of human skin fibroblasts and elastin synthesis in human skin fibroblasts and improves the skin conditions. Journal of the science of food and agriculture, 2015
  19. 19.ブタ冠状動脈において血管平滑筋弛緩作用を有する新規の魚類由来ペプチド 山口医学, 64, 2, 101-107, 2015
  20. 20.カツオ由来エラスチンペプチドの靭帯損傷改善および膝関節痛軽減作用 グルコサミン研究, 11, 39-45, 2015
  21. 21.カツオエラスチンの製造技術と機能性 BIO INDUSTRY, 32, 7, 24-29, 2015
  22. 22.カツオ由来エラスチンペプチドのヒト臨床試験について 食品加工技術, 35, 3, 108-114, 2015
  23. 23.カツオエラスチンの肌改善機能 食品と開発, 50, 7, 14-16, 2015
  24. 24.健常な日本人女性を対象としたカツオ由来エラスチンペプチドによるダイエット時のバスト下垂抑制及びバスト皮膚弾性改善作用 機能性食品と薬理栄養, 3, 10, 131-138, 2016
  25. 25.カツオ由来エラスチンペプチド経口摂取による血管弾性及び血管内皮機能への作用 機能性食品と薬理栄養, 2, 11, 95-106, 2017
  26. 26.Effects of Novel Peptide from Fish Elastin on Cells. Peptide Science 2017, 72-73, 2018
  27. 27.Effects of Skipjack Tuna-Drived Elastin Peptide on Ligament Healing in Rabbits. Peptide Science 2017, 202-203, 2018
  28. 28.健常な日本人男女を対象としたカツオ由来エラスチンペプチド経口摂取による皮膚状態への作用 機能性食品と薬理栄養, 14, 5, 269-283, 2021
  29. 29.カツオエラスチンの血管機能改善作用 FoodStyle21, 25, 12, 47-51, 2021


  1. 1.Biological Activities of Fucose-Containing Polysaccharide Ascophyllan brown Alga Ascophyllum nodosum. Bioscience Biotechnology Biochemistry, 73, 4, 961-964, 2009
  2. 2.Effects of sulfated fucan, ascophyllan, from the brown Alga Ascophyllum nodosum on various cell lines: A comparative study on ascophyllan and fucoidan. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 110, 1, 113-117, 2010
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  4. 4.The potent activity of sulfated polysaccharide, ascophyllan, isolated from Ascophyllum nodosum to induce nitric oxide and cytokine production from mouse macrophage RAW264.7 cells: Comparison between ascophyllan and fucoidan. Nitric oxide, 25, 407-415, 2011
  5. 5.Immunostimulatory activities of the sulfated Polysaccharide Ascophyllan from Ascophyllum nodosum in in vivo and in vitro Systems. Bioscience Biotechnology Biochemistry, 76, 8, 1573-1576, 2012
  6. 6.海藻由来多糖体「アスコフィラン」の免疫賦活作用 FoodStyle21, 17, 1, 91-93, 2013
  7. 7.Stimulatory effect of the sulfated polysaccharide ascophyllan on the respiratory burst in RAW264.7 macrophages. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 52, 164-169, 2013
  8. 8.Importance of sulfate groups for the macrophage-stimulating activities of ascophyllan isolated from the brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum.Carbohydrate Research, 380, 124-129, 2013
  9. 9.In vitro antioxidant activities of sulfated polysaccharide ascophyllan isolated from Ascophyllum nodosum. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 59, 305-312, 2013
  10. 10.海藻由来多糖体「アスコフィラン」の機能性 ジャパンフードサイエンス, 53, 1, 20-24, 2014
  11. 11.Inhibitory Effect of Orally Administered Sulfated Polysaccharide Ascophyllan Isolated from Ascophyllum nodosum on the Growth of Sarcoma-180 Solid Tumor in Mice. Anticancer Research, 34, 1663-1672, 2014
  12. 12.Ascophyllan Purified from Ascophyllum nodosum Induces Th1 and Tc1 Immune Responses by Promoting Dendritic Cell Maturation. Marine drugs, 12, 4148-4164, 2014
  13. 13.Anti-metastatic effects of the sulfated polysaccharide ascophyllan isolated from Ascophyllum nodosum on B16 melanoma. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 458. 727-732. 2015
  14. 14.Ascophyllan functions as an adjuvant to promote anti-cancer effect by dendritic cell activation. Oncotarget, 12, 7, 19284-19298, 2016
  15. 15.Acidic polysaccharides isolated frommarine algae inhibit the early step of viral infection. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 124, 282-290, 2019
  16. 16.Activation of Human Dendritic Cells by Ascophyllan Purified from Ascophyllum nodosum. Marine drugs, 17, 1, 66-75, 2019
  17. 17.Ascophyllan Induces Activation of Natural Killer Cells in Mice In Vivo and In Vitro. Marine drugs, 17 4, 197-206, 2019
  18. 18.Suppressive effect of ascophyllan HS on postprandial blood sugar level through the inhibition of α-glucosidase and stimulation of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) secretion. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 125, 453-458, 2019
  19. 19.Therapeutic effects of an orally administered edible seaweed-derived polysaccharide preparation, ascophyllan HS, on a Streptococcus pneumoniae infection mouse model International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 154, 1116-1122, 2020


  1. 1.Peel extract of water chestnut (Trapa bispinosa Roxb.) inhibits glycation, degrades α-dicarbonyl compound, and breaks advanced glycation end product crosslinks. Glycative Stress Research, 2, 2, 72-79, 2015
  2. 2.ヒシエキスの抗糖化ストレス作用~女性に対する効能評価~ FoodStyle21, 19, 9, 28-30, 2015
  3. 3.The effects of water chestnut (Trapa bispinosa Roxb.) on the inhibition of glycometabolism and the improvement in postprandial blood glucose levels in humans. Glycative Stress Research, 3, 3, 124-132, 2016
  4. 4.The effectiveness of the peel extract of water chestnut (Trapa bispinosa Roxb.) in an α-crystallin glycation model with glyoxal. Glycative Stress Research, 4, 2, 104-108, 2017
  5. 5.Reducing effect of the long term intake of water chestnut (Trapa bispinosa Roxb.) pericap extract on glycative stress in the placebo-controlled double blinded clinical trial and in vitro inhibitory actions on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) glycation. Glycative Stress Research, 4, 4, 299-316, 2017
  6. 6.ヒシエキスと抗糖化活性 モダンフィジシャン, 38, 4, 399-401, 2018
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  8. 8.Characterization and Identification of Bioactive Polyphenols in the Trapa bispinosa Roxb. Pericarp Extract. Molecules, 26(19), 5802, 2021
  9. 9.ヒシエキスによる肌の黄ぐすみ対策 FoodStyle21, 26, 3, 54-56, 2022
  10. 10.トウビシ果皮ポリフェノールの抗糖化作用・糖化たんぱく質分解作用, ポリフェノールの機能と多角的応用, シーエムシー出版, 164-171, 2022
  11. 11.ヒシエキスによる毛髪への効果 FoodStyle21, 27, 3, 48-50, 2023
  12. 12.ヒシエキスのラットを用いた90日間反復経口投与毒性試験 薬理と治療, 51, 5, 633-642, 2023
  13. 13.Trapa bispinosa Roxb. Pericarp Extract Exerts 5α-Reductase Inhibitory Activity in Castrated Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Model Mice. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(14), 11765, 2023
  14. 14.Impact of intake of water chestnut pericarp–derived polyphenols on voiding–related quality of life in healthy middle–aged and older people ―A randomized, placebo–controlled, double–blind, parallel–group study― 薬理と治療, 51, 12, 1835 – 1845, 2023
  15. 15.Effect of polyphenols from water chestnut pericarp on hair-related quality of life in healthy middle-aged, and older subjects: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, parallel-group, comparison study. Glycative Stress Research, 11, 1, 21-32, 2024
